The POWER of our WORDS!

Monday, June 1, 2020

A couple of years ago, I was challenged by my business coach with a question: “What are you doing to increase Leadership on your team Cheri?” I was meeting with them weekly, talking about business growth and development, and giving them opportunities to attend life-changing events, but as I reflected on the question, I realized that I did not have a FORMAL leadership path or plan in my company. So I decided to make a change. It’s funny how a simple decision can rock your world! Over the past year and a half, we have been on a leadership journey together as a team! Part of that journey includes a Friday Book Club that we call our Accountability Group. Each Friday morning at 6am (rise and SHINE!), we work through a meaningful book together as a group and hold ourselves accountable to each other as we work to apply the principles that we learn.
This past week we completed our latest book; The Liberty of Our Language Revealed by Thomas Blackwell.
Each week we were challenged with the way we speak, think, act, and even forgive. Each chapter was rich with stories and compelling information related to how our language shapes our lives. It was easy to see the adjustments and differences in the way our group was speaking to each other and perhaps more importantly to themselves.
Here is a list of some of the chapters:
  • The Observation of People’s Language
  • The Rate of Vibration of Our Daily Greetings
  • The Physical Power of Words
  • People Tend to Act How You Speak to Them
  • The Language of Gratitude and Appreciation
  • The Liberating Language of Forgiveness
  • Words of Integrity
Working through this book as a team has elevated our language and has definitely caused a more intentional focus on the fact that we bring about what we speak about.
To close out our series, we were honored to have Thomas Blackwell visit with our team and share many of the inspirations behind the writing of this life-changing material- FUN and definitely inspiring.
Increasing Leadership in our personal and professional lives requires an investment. I am thankful to my business coach who always asks tough and thought-provoking questions (Thank you, Howard!). I am thankful for a team that eagerly accepts the challenge of leadership and I am grateful for Thomas’ work that has helped us to elevate our lives by encouraging us to be more intentional with our words!
Please visit Thomas’ web site and pick up a copy for yourself and for the people you spend your life with!
Cheri Perry 6/1/2020