Staffing & The Seasons

Friday, December 29, 2023
It is amazing what a few SEASONS do to your train of thought- on most everything!  
I was listening to John Maxwell over the weekend and heard a lesson out of  his book Leadership GOLD, that made me pull my car over.  The lesson was related to staff members and the fact that you do not usually END a game with the same team you fielded at the beginning.  I have to tell you that the message touched my heart and reminded me of the Seasons of Staffing.  Here are the lessons I took from John Maxwell's masterpiece, mixed in with a few of my own leadership lessons related to staffing.

#1- Every Relationship Has a Season
We all learn something from each other and work relationships are no different! The fact of the matter is that sometimes, the lesson we need from a member of our team is learned and then it is time to move on- for you and for the team member. While some relationships last for many seasons, it is important to remember that when a season comes to a close- it is a natural part of the relationship process.

#2- Be Sure to Learn the Lesson
When we take the time to evaluate an experience we have with the people that walk in and out of our lives, we have the opportunity to learn from the relationships. Look around at the people who come into your life and find out WHY!  Evaluate the experiences you have with each member of your team and commit the lessons to your heart- those lessons will serve you!

#3- You Can Learn From the Shortest of Seasons
As an employer, it is not uncommon to make hiring decisions that simply do not work out.  In other words, you end up parting ways with some people sooner rather than later!  The truth is that finding people to add to your team is never an easy task and sometimes great people do not gel with your team.  Just be sure that you still invest the time in the briefest of relationship seasons because you'll find buried treasure, in the form of valuable lessons, waiting for you if you do!

#4- Let Go of the Guilt
When relationships do not work out for any reason, it is EASY to blame yourself. What could I have done differently?  What if I would have managed differently? What signs did I miss that things were not working out?  These kinds of questions can cause even the best of leaders lots of pain and they can cause you to not only second guess yourself, but poor questions can cause a wall between you and future members of your team.  Let go of disempowering questions and let go of any inkling of guilt.  Every relationship has a lesson and a season!

#5- Honor the Relationship
People come with hearts- those hearts come with strings and even though this is business, the relationships we develop every day touch our lives.  When a relationship season comes to an end, take a moment to reflect.  What were the lessons and the gifts you received during your time together?  How did you help each other?  Honor the fact that there are no accidents and that people come in and out of our lives for a reason.

Even STAFFING has its Seasons!  Remember these valuable steps to make the most of every Season!
  • Every Relationship Has a Season
  • Learn the Lessons From Each Relationship
  • Even the Short Relationships Come With Gifts
  • Let Go of Any Perceived Guilt
  • HONOR Every Relationship- they are ALL gifts!

Cheri Perry 12/29/2023