Se habla Espanol at TMC!

Monday, May 20, 2024
 At TMC, we are always looking for ways to support and add value to our community and small business owners all across the country. We are happy to announce that we have been growing our Service and Sales teams with Spanish- speaking members in order to make our interactions with our Hispanic merchants more fluid and diligent; no need for miscommunication or translation during calls, just a smooth experience so you can get back to growing your business as soon as possible!
We are also thrilled to share the expansion of our DISC profile and team assessment program for the Hispanic community.  We now have DISC Assessments available in Spanish on our website here.
DISC was first developed by Dr. William Marston when he published his book “The Emotions of Normal People” in 1928. Dr. Robert Rohm has dedicated a large part of his life expanding on the concept derived from Dr. William Marston’s book to find ways to refine our understanding of ourselves and others in order to culture better communication and interpersonal relationships.
DISC is a personal assessment tool used by thousands of businesses all over the world to foster growth for the four primary personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Supportiveness, and Caution. These four personality types blend together in a unique way for everyone and affect how they interact with the people around them.
From a leadership standpoint, it can be a challenge to have people with a wide variety of personalities working together. Every individual has a different set of strengths, weaknesses, and preferred work environments. By getting your company engaged with the DISC program, you will find new management strategies to complement all personality types and their strengths. The idea behind DISC is to improve relationship dynamics within the company to create a more pleasant and efficient work environment.
Before implementing DISC into our work environment, for example, we ran into confrontations, disagreements, and employee disengagement substantially more than we do today. By understanding first, how we are wired and then learning how our teammates are wired- we are able to learn to communicate more effectively, see the strengths in our coworkers rather than highlighting their weaknesses and we are better equipped to handle a variety of workplace situations in ways that build up our team instead of tearing it down. Those changes are EXCELLENT for employee retention and the bottom line.
It is easy to get started with DISC and the assessment can be used in astonishing ways across all departments of your organization; if you would like to reap the benefits that DISC has to offer (CLICK HERE) for more information!
DISC es un programa que se puede utilizar tanto a nivel profesional como personal con un gran efecto, personalmente, mi trabajo y entrenamiento con la herramienta DISC ha sido una gran ayuda para comprender mejor mis propias tendencias y preferencias de comportamiento y comunicacion. Tambien me ha ayudado a entender como comunicarme con todo tipo de personalidades y ser mas tolerante con la gente a mi alrededor. Estamos entusiasmados de poderles brindar nuestro servicios de entrenamiento DISC a nuestro clientes hispanos y ofrecerles la mejor atencion al cliente en las areas de servicio y ventas tambien. Hemos hecho estos cambios para que la comunidad hispana tenga una manera mas eficaz de comunicarse con nosotros y para brindarles la mejor experiencia posible, esperamos estar en contacto con usted muy pronto!

Remove the boundaries of language in relationships!
  • Learn how we are all wired differently
  • Make the most of your relationships
Para obtener mas informacion sobre el programa DISC o para hablar con alguien sobre los otros servicios que ofrecemos que pueden beneficiar a su negocio, llamenos al 888-249-9919 o contactenos por email a

Jaime Navia 5/20/2024