A Change in Celebrating The Season - Why I Believe In Christmas

Monday, December 12, 2022

It’s almost Christmas, a wonderful and beautiful time of year.

At Total Merchant Concepts, we have been wishing our merchants and anyone who calls into our office a 'Merry Christmas' for over 25 years. The responses we've received have always been heartwarming. People really do enjoy a heartfelt sentiment.

Christmas has always been a special time so it is surprising to hear that some people make such an issue over wishing people a Merry Christmas. I've even heard of people who said they were 'canceling' Christmas because of financial reasons. Recently, the news reported a story where many people were going to celebrate Christmas AFTER the prices come down, AFTER Christmas.

Personally, I do not believe you can actually cancel or postpone Christmas. There have been plenty of years when we had to consider fewer gifts or handmade items instead of spending tons of money on presents. Sometimes just spending quality time with family and friends is the most precious gift of all!

When I look back, those Christmas celebrations stand out they were even more special than the others because we focused on the real meaning of Christmas rather than the commercialized gift-giving version we have all become accustomed to.

Zig Ziglar's personal story really sheds some light on Christmas during tough times and the real reason for the season. As you go about your preparations, please consider the real meaning of Christmas and know that we are thankful and blessed to live in a country where we still have the right to share our beliefs with those around us and honor the beliefs of others!!


Merry Christmas from your team at Total Merchant Concepts!!

Cheri Perry 12/12/2022