What an Honor!

Monday, July 18, 2022
This month we are focused on the businesses that are the BACKBONE of America- Small business USA. Stats and opinions vary on the actual definition of a ‘SMALL’ business but it is safe to say that a majority of the businesses we serve here at TMC are just like us- small businesses. So what’s it like to own and operate a small business in America?
The answers are almost as varied as the many different kinds of businesses there are- every person’s experience is different based on experience, industry, economic pressures, staffing, and so on. This month we will be looking at the many areas of business and we will be sharing some great tips and advice from a variety of business owners all across America!

Here is my personal take on WHY being a small business owner in America is such a magnificent calling.

HONOR- I think it is an honor to have the ability to begin and run our own business. There are many places around the world where that is not possible and there are many people who did not have a giant whispering in their ear, ‘you can do it!’. Where else can you basically manufacture money (legally) and create opportunities for the people who see what you see? Even when things are at their toughest, I feel as if the deck has been stacked in my favor and that it is my obligation to repay that great gift by finding a way through any struggle that arises. Being a small business owner in America is certainly an HONOR and one that I hope to never take for granted.
HABITS- When it comes to explaining success or failure in my business and YES- I have experienced both- it always comes back to my habits. I believe most business owners would agree with me. We decide what we will do each day since we are ‘in charge’. No one will call and say we are supposed to do this or that- we have to have habits in place that lead us to success or we soon find ourselves out of business. Since I’ve always been a bit of a rebel ‘You’re not the boss of me’, I struggled with the habits that would make or break my business. When I finally hired a coach and surrounded myself with other successful business owners, the road became a bit less rocky. I was able to easily add habits that have been helping our business become more successful every day. It’s funny how time and being associated with other successful entrepreneurs have shifted my perspective on habits. Once confining and stifling, great habits have now become freeing and powerful tools for forwarding progress. The HABITS we employ as business owners definitely play a key role in our ability to create opportunities for others.
HELPING OTHERS- This last point on business ownership was a surprise for me. When we first started our business it was a very selfish endeavor- make money to pay bills, set our own schedule, and create OUR life. Since I was raised in a family business I entered the business knowing that I needed to take care of our clients. What I did not know was how important small businesses are to the people and the families in our communities! The stress of daily business life is not reserved for those who sign the paycheck! Work and business, in general, can be quite stressful for every team member. Crafting and creating a successful business HAS to be more than just the bottom line. It has to encompass the way we take care of our teams and help other people. This has become my driving passion at TMC. Where we once were supremely focused on the amount of money we made, we are now combining that fiscal awareness with an equally powerful question- How are we taking care of the people God gave us.
When business owners recognize the HONOR that it is to create and run a business, the HABITS that are necessary and the overarching goal of HELPING OTHERS- the backbone of America- Small Business- lifts up people, families, and communities. What an incredible opportunity to leave a lasting legacy by taking care of business!

Do you want to learn new habits that can enhance your passion for being a small business owner?

Click HERE to take our FREE business assessment and talk with one of our Certified Coaches TODAY!

Cheri Perry 7/18/2022