Disagreeing Agreeably

Monday, February 24, 2014
Jim Rohn was one of the all time greats so it is our pleasure to share some words of wisdom from the legend!  
Thank you Jim Rohn- for leaving us with so many great lessons!
5 Tips for Disagreeing Agreeably
It's inevitable - at some point disagreements are going to come up in the workplace. As we all know, disagreements can get heated quickly and it can be difficult to put aside our opinions and biases in order to handle the situation diplomatically. However, there are several tried and true methods to "disagree agreeably." Read on to learn how to navigate a disagreement in an empathetic manner while presenting your point of view.
1. Give the benefit of the doubt. Don't immediately jump to conclusions even if you disagree with someone. Hear them out, you may have more in common than you initially thought.
2. Listen to learn and understand. Be an engaged listener, make sure you are listening on an empathetic level instead of just pretending to listen. By gathering all the facts about the other person's point of view, you will be able to deliver your counterpoint in a diplomatic manner.
3. Use a cushion. Acknowledge the other person's point of view and relate to their emotions through empathetic listening. Use cushion statements such as "I hear what you're saying and what you're saying is important" or "I understand your point of view" to demonstrate that you understand and care about their feelings.
4. Never use "but" or "however." No matter how much you empathize with someone, if you follow up your cushion statement with words like "but" or "however," it will negate everything prior. You lose credibility and the person you're disagreeing with is unlikely to take your thoughts seriously from this point on. Instead of words that contradict your original statement, use words like "and" or insert a pause instead.
5. State your opinion with evidence. Opinions are easy to refute, but facts are difficult to argue with. By backing up your point of view with evidence, you come across as more credible and can gain valuable leverage in a disagreement. By utilizing evidence, you may even be able to bring someone over to your line of thinking.
Guest Blogger 2/24/2014