Why We Work

Monday, June 25, 2018
Two weeks ago, a member of our staff got one of the worst calls you can get as a Mother- your child was involved in a motorcycle accident. She left immediately and I watched in awe as my team wrapped their arms around her- hoping and praying for the best.

It doesn’t matter what your J O B  is - we all work (at at least we should ) so that we can spend precious time with those we love. So we have the resources to enjoy our lives. How you do your J O B can be permanently affected by the WHY behind the work- I can imagine no better WHY than family.

Every time you are tasked with solving a difficult problem or you have to deal with a challenging coworker- quickly remembering your reason for working in the first place will help you find the necessary skills to prevail! Unless we are independently wealthy, we GET to work to afford the life we choose to live. Make sure you are in a work environment that supports you- even outside of work. That life you are working for is so important - and can change in the blink of an eye.

Our coworker got GLORIOUS news after her son was in the motorcycle crash- he is going to be AOK. Then this morning we received news that another Mama, very close to our team, got the same call- a Son, a motorcycle and unfortunately a VERY different and heartbreaking result. Life is precious and sometimes way too short. Hug your loved ones, mend fences and share your smile and if you have to work: remember (and employ) your WHY.
Cheri Perry 6/25/2018