TMC Mission Statement


Our mission at TMC is to provide integrity-based solutions that help our clients reduce frustration, increase their bottom line and enhance their passion for being in business.


TMC is an energetic, encouraging, and exciting environment where our team members share their passion for personal growth, strong partnerships, and exceptional delivery of products & services, by adding value and joy to the lives of everyone we serve.


Our purpose at TMC is to help everyone we work with S.M.I.L.E. every day.

Superior Knowledge & Service
Meaningful Relationships
Integrity In All Things
Leaving a Legacy of FUN
Exceptional Educational Experience
(Lots of words but what does it all mean?)

Superior Knowledge & Service

We will be brilliant in the basics and commit to doing the ordinary things extraordinarily well. Delivering Superior Service internally and externally requires our personal dedication to excellence.

Meaningful Relationships

We will always treat the people we work with the way we want to be treated. Whether our interaction is internal or
external– we are committed to developing strong partnerships that leave a lasting impression.

Integrity In All Things

We will always do what is right; not what is easy, cheap, popular, or convenient. When it comes to personal and
professional Integrity– there is NO gray area!

Leaving a Legacy of FUN!

We will always handle every relationship and business opportunity in a manner that leaves a positive and
UPLIFTING impression– no stuffy "business as usual" experience will do here at TMC.

Exceptional Educational Experience

We will always work on improving ourselves and educating our merchants so that we can be of service and add
more value to everyone we have the privilege to serve.